It was a wonderful day at the Row New York boathouse in Queens this morning. We launched "60 Women for 60 Girls" about a month ago in an effort to get more women involved with Row New York. We're not up to 60 yet, but I'm confident we'll get there. For now, we have a great group of 14.
The group met at the boathouse this morning to learn to row with help from experienced Row New York girls. Cherylyn Ahrens and Jessica Rispoli already know their way around a boat (that's an understatement as they are both accomplished oarswomen), but for the rest, this was their first time in a boat.
We took a few minutes for everyone to meet. This was after sending the gaggle of children and fathers off to the playground while "mom rowed." See the picture on this blog of Mandy with her four beautiful children (one more is on the way!).
Personally, I really enjoyed hearing the women talk to the girls about their own histories and where they are now. They confirmed that, indeed, the path from point A to point B is certainly a winding one. And, as Cherylyn pointed out, we should all enjoy the trip.
The girls talked too. We got to hear about where they go to school and what they want to become and why they row. I will never tire of hearing the answer to the last question. To get strong, to be on the water, to learn to push myself. Good lessons for us all.
Anyway, after plenty of bagels and coffee and talking, we hit the water for an hour. The Row NY girls helped teach the new rowers how to get their blades in the water and, I have to say, I was impressed. Sheila, Meredith, Jen, and Mandy got it pretty quickly. They're clearly athletic, fit, and determined so that definitely helped.
So, thank you all....Row New York girls and women from 60 for 60, we're off to a great start!