Today's entry is on Austin Phillips-- our wonderful Academic Director and Novice Coach who is headed off to law school in the fall to attend the University of Tennessee. Lucky for Tennessee, sad for Row New York.
Austin joined us in the summer of 2007 and has added so much to Row New York that I'm not entirely sure where to begin. I called one of her old coaches to ask him if he had anyone to recommend for the job when Austin announced her decision to go to law school. His response? "Amanda, you're not going to find another Austin." Lucky for us, we DO have a wonderful replacement for Austin (more on her soon), but we sure are going to miss her.
Austin has this way about her that naturally draws others toward her. It's not uncommon to find a small swarm of girls around her desk on any given afternoon. I guess that's where the term "magnetic" personality becomes appropriate. In a kind, but firm way, Austin has demanded respect from the girls and she has asked a lot of on time, work hard, be strong, no excuses, be good to one another, no exceptions. And she has been many things to, mentor, tutor, life advisor.
One of my favorite Austin moments was when, at the last minute, Planned Parenthood cancelled a workshop they were to run and Austin, in two short hours, successfully came up with a curriculum to cover reproductive health and healthy relationships and we all know what that's code for, right? Unsurprisingly, the workshop went very well.
I'll also never forget the first day of practice for her first group of 45 novices. We were at the boathouse and it was a beautiful September afternoon. Austin, after only meeting these girls for about an hour at tryouts, somehow knew ALL of their names. I asked her how this was possible and she explained that she had spent the night before committing them all to memory based on their tryout forms which included Polaroid pictures. You should have seen the look of surprise when the girls realized that someone from Row NY already knew their names. These are the "little" things that go so far.
There are so many stories like the few I just shared, but I think everyone gets the idea. Austin has been wonderful and we will all miss her terribly. On a lighter note, I am including a picture of Austin performing the stanky leg dance at a regatta this spring. Important note, the regatta was officially over at this point.
Thank you Austin---we will miss you!