Welcome! A lot of people have been asking for more Row NY updates. Where are the girls getting into college? How did they do at States? How is Seymour doing? We (well, Mike really!) created this blog so our followers, fans, funders, families (I can't think of any more "f"s) can see what's happening at Row New York.
Here's the latest re-cap (thanks to Previn and Austin):
State Championship regatta:
Varsity 4+: Silver medal in the club four division - second year in a row!
Both novices 8s finished in the top 10
...great results!
College Acceptances ($ = full scholarship):
Charlotte - SUNY Binghamton ($)
Amber - Smith College
Camille - University of Central Florida ($)
Jodie - NYU
Rachel - Fordham University ($)
Rose - Lehigh University
Stephanie - Rutgers University ($)
Another year, another 100% of the seniors off to college!
News coverage: NBC4 did a great piece a couple weeks back
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