I like to come into the office for at least a day over the holiday break. I usually use the time to clean my desk (yes, only once a year) because it's so quiet. There are no girls here, the phones aren't ringing, email is quiet, but the desk might have to wait until 2010 because I got busy looking back at 2009 and thinking about the year.
There have been many articles in the papers, as there are every year, taking a look back at the year. Who were our heroes? What went well, what didn't. This year, sadly, there is a lot of talk of what didn't go well and what isn't going well....the economy, the wars, unemployment, homelessness, etc. It is, in a word, depressing.
Years ago, at one of Row New York's events, Previn made a comment about Row NY being one of the only truly "good" things. I thought it was a nice thing to say, if not slightly extreme, but this year made me realize how right he was. This is not a pat on the back (my own or the rest of Row New York's) it's just a realization. What the girls do here is just good stuff-- in the purest sense.
We are surrounded by so many things in this country that might seem good, but really aren't. Famous athletes who might be phenomenal human specimens, but who lack a moral compass, individuals who helped drive our economy into the worst recession we've seen since the Great Depression, and corruption from leaders of all kinds. But here, hard work and patience and teamwork really are rewarded. You want to make the boat, you work hard. You want to make the boat go fast, you work harder. You want to do well in the class, you study. You want to be respected by your teammates, you work hard with them, stand up for them, respect them. You want to experience joy on a river with eight other people, you pour your heart into the effort and you reap the rewards.
So, after a week of eating too many butter cookies and reading about the year that was 2009, it was coming into the Row NY office and my messy desk where I found some clarity. If anyone reading this wants to share in it, please come for a visit, it's free and I promise you, it's truly good stuff. Look at the smiles on the faces in the picture (above) and you will see what I am talking about. Wishing you all happiness and health in 2010!
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